
PS5 Pro In The Works?

Written by
Sarah Hook

It seems like it's time to start saving those pennies.

The rumor mill is running overtime with speculation being rife that Sony is officially working on the PS5 Pro. Whilst there's no official details from Sony, according to a report from a reliable source, Tom Henderson, the prospect of a PS5 Pro could be a reality as soon as even next year.

It only took 3 years from the release of the PS4 to the announcement of the PS4 Pro so taking that timeline into consideration we're right on track for a PS5 Pro with the PS5 facing its 3rd birthday this November.

With reports of PS5 Scalpers struggling to shift their stock the PS5 finally seems to be freely available so it's not too surprising that the next installment of the console is on the horizon, but with the disc edition of the console already setting you back a hefty £479.99 who's to know what eye-watering price a PS5 Pro will be.

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This announcement is anything but speculation from Insider Gaming's viewpoint however, even after initial reports back in March were met with speculation, they're holding firm with comments such as "Insider Gaming can report with a 100% degree of certainty that the PlayStation 5 Pro is currently in development."

So what do you think? Is the PS5 Pro coming in the near future? Or is it still years away?

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Depression And Gaming

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A popular escape for those with depression is gaming. Jumping into a world where you can live endless lives of limitless creativity certainly has its appeal.

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